Year-Round Beer
Elusive IPA
ABV: 6.8% | OG: 1.063 | IBU: 60 | SRM: 7
STYLE: India Pale Ale
There’s no mistaking it for any other style, but we took the road less traveled on this modern American bellwether. In a world loaded with IPAs, it’s difficult to make one that stands out, but ours does for an unexpected reason. Rather than create an IPA that mimics the flavor profile of so many other IPAs out there, we spent six solid months brewing batches of beer with just a single hop in order to truly discover what each varietal lends to the flavor and aroma profiles of our beer. After carefully selecting the ones we found most interesting and delightful, we crafted a recipe that blends six of these hops in just the right amounts and in just the right order. The end result is one of the smoothest tasting IPAs we have ever had the privilege of drinking. We couldn’t be prouder to present it to you. By their very nature, IPAs are a notch above “session” territory and this heady brew is no exception. It comfortably lends itself to introspection and creative breakthroughs. Pour an Elusive IPA and do some real thinking.