Tag Archive for: Mobeer

Public House Branching Out Into Cans

We’re super stoked about our move from bottles to cans!

On Friday, June 21, 2019, our Brew Crew moved the bottling line out of our St. James brewhouse to make room for the new canning line. Yes, that means we are doing away with bottles. This is a sustainable choice, not to mention a safer one. If you drop a can of beer, it won’t shatter into a million sharp, jagged pieces. Worse case, you’ll have some spilled beer – which is sad but not as hazardous.

The plan is to kick-off the change with our year-round beers going into cans first and debuting new labels. Each beer has received a facelift with art created by Public House friend and local artist Travis Watkins. The art will be revealed at our Can Release Party on Thursday, July 11 at 5:30 p.m. at our original location – the Rolla Brewpub.

A military veteran and Rolla area native, Travis creates all kinds of art in all kinds of mediums. We were such a fan of his canvas works, displayed and sold in our taprooms, that we asked him to re-imagine our beer labels. He happily accepted the task and we couldn’t be happier with the end results.

Our hope is you, our customers, will like the change from glass to can too. You’ll finally be able to take our beer on the river or to other outdoor adventures where glass is prohibited in Missouri.

“Customer demand for Public House beer in cans became almost deafening in the last couple of years so we took the plunge!  We’re proud to finally offer our beer in the most convenient, environmentally friendly package there is,” stated Josh Goodridge, co-founder of Public House Brewing Company.

New package!  New labels!  New experience!

Pictured Left: Two forklifts removing the bottling line filler.

Pictured Right: Travis Watkins revealing a portion of the new art for Revelation Stout.